Fossil Fish
Fossil Fish
Price: $2,500
Origin: Southwest Wyoming, Green River Formation
50 million yrs ago ancient Fossil Lake existed in what is now known as southwest Wyoming. The laminated limestones contain the highest concentration of articulated fossil fish in the world & is the world’s best Paleogene record of a freshwater lake ecosystem.
Fossil fish
Fossil fish
Price: $3,000
Origin: Southwest Wyoming, Green River Formation
50 million yrs ago ancient Fossil Lake existed in what is now known as southwest Wyoming. The laminated limestones contain the highest concentration of articulated fossil fish in the world & is the world’s best Paleogene record of a freshwater lake ecosystem.
Fossil Fish
Fossil Fish
Price: $2,400
Origin: Southwest Wyoming, Green River formation
50 million yrs ago ancient Fossil Lake existed in what is now known as southwest Wyoming. The laminated limestones contain the highest concentration of articulated fossil fish in the world & is the world’s best Paleogene record of a freshwater lake ecosystem.
Araucaria Pine Cone
Araucaria Pine Cone
Size: h-2 1/2", w-5", d-3"
Price: $380.00
Origin: Patagonia, Argentina
Fossilized Pine Cone in matrix.
Jurassic 140 myo
Araucaria - Aternative view
Araucaria - Aternative view
Size: h-2 1/2", w-5", d-3"
Price: $380.00
Origin: Patagonia, Argentina
Fossilized Pine Cone in matrix.
Jurassic 140 myo
Codiacrinus Schultzie - Crinoid
Codiacrinus Schultzie - Crinoid
Size: h-4 1/4", w-6 5/8", d-1/8"
Price: $1,100.00
Origin: Germany
Crinoid. Hurshruck Shale.
Devonian 345-395 myo
Reboulicidaris - Sea Urchin
Reboulicidaris - Sea Urchin
Size: h-5 1/4", w- 4 3/4", d-1 3/4"
Price: $825.00
Origin: Amellago, Middle Atlas Mts., Morocco
This beautiful spacimen is fully inflated and ncely artuculated. a very asthetic display.
Cidaris Type Sea Urchin
Cidaris Type Sea Urchin
Size: h-11", w-11", d-1 1/2"
Price: $2,800.00
Origin: Moscow, Russia
Cidaris Type Sea UrchinSpines in Nautical Position.
Carboniferous Period
300 Million years old
Fossilized coral.
Fossilized coral.
Size: 4-6 inches long
Price: $30.-$85.
Origin: Florida
Lobster Fossil
Lobster Fossil
Size: h7 1/2", w-15", d-1"
Price: $1,400.00
Origin: Solhofen, Germany
Sandstone matrix. Jurassic 160myo.
Stingray - Freshwater
Stingray - Freshwater
Size: h-12 1/2",w-14 1/2", d-1"
Price: SOLD - $4,800.00
Origin: Green River Formation, WY - USA
50 million yrs ago ancient Fossil Lake existed in SW Wyoming, USA. The laminated limestones contain the highest concentration of articulated fossil fish in the world & is the world’s best Paleogene record of a freshwater lake ecosystem.
Fossil Aquarium
Fossil Aquarium
Size: h-36", w-22 1/2", d-1"
Price: $8,000.00
Origin: Green River Formation, WY
50 million yrs ago ancient Fossil Lake existed in what is now known as southwest Wyoming. The laminated limestones contain the highest concentration of articulated fossil fish in the world & is the world’s best Paleogene record of a freshwater lake ecosystem.
Fossil Aquarium - Detail
Fossil Aquarium - Detail
Size: See previous photo
Price: SOLD - $8,000.00
Origin: Green River Formation, WY
SOLD - The "aquarium" contains a Freshwater Stingray & 2 Priscacara serrate (Rounded crushing teeth suggest this fish ate shrimp, crayfish or ostracods), Diplomystus dentatus, (second most common fish in Fossil Lake), Knightia eocaena (Wyoming’s state fossil & most common found in Fossil Lake).
Diplomystus Dentatus
Diplomystus Dentatus
Size: h-16", w-22", d-1"
Price: $2,400.00
Origin: Green River Formation, WY - USA
Second most common fish in Fossil Lake, WY. Length up to 24".
We also carry a variety of smaller specimens of Displomystus, Knightia & others. Contact us for more information.
Palm Frond ond Fossil Fish
Palm Frond ond Fossil Fish
Size: h-34 1/2", w-24 1/8", d-1 1/16"
Price: SOLD - $6,800.00
Origin: Green River Formation, WY
50 million yrs ago ancient Fossil Lake existed in what is now known as southwest Wyoming. The laminated limestones contain the highest concentration of articulated fossil fish in the world & is the world’s best Paleogene record of a freshwater lake ecosystem.
Trilobite, Brittle Stars, Crinoid
Trilobite, Brittle Stars, Crinoid
Size: h-21", w-4", d-1 1/2"
Price: $8,000.00
Origin: Morocco
Fossil plate with custom stand.
Starfish and Brittle Stars and Trilobites
Starfish and Brittle Stars and Trilobites
Size: H- 32’’ W- 36’’ D-2’’ w/stand 18’’
Price: $3,850.00
Origin: Morocco
Starfish and Brittle Stars and Trilobites - Morocco
Brittle Stars
Brittle Stars
Origin: Morocco
Grasshopper Fossil
Grasshopper Fossil
Size: d-10’’, w-15’’, d-3/4’’
Price: $2,400.00
Origin: Solhofen, Germany
Jurassic 160 myo.
Rare, amazing specimen.
Large Orthoceras Plate
Large Orthoceras Plate
Size: 40" W x 35.5" H
Price: $5,500
Origin: Morocco
Orthoceras are distant relatives of the squid, octopus, & nautilus families. A long, straight sea animal, they most resemble the squid, & were prolific between 430-500 million yrs ago. We also carry smaller plates & single pieces that sell for $3.00-$18.00.
Size: h-23 1/2", w-22", d-9 3/4" including stand
Price: SOLD - $2,500.00
Origin: Morocco
Rare ammonite without matrix.
Custom stand included in price.
Crocodile Jaw Fossil
Crocodile Jaw Fossil
Size: h-4 3/8", w-8 3/4", d-3 1/4" incuding sand
Price: $3,800.00
Origin: KemKem, Formation, Morocco
100 Million years old.
Custom stand marble.
Excellent condition, intact.
Dikelocephalina - Trilobite
Dikelocephalina - Trilobite
Size: h-19", w-16 1/2", d-1 1/2"
Price: SOLD - $4,000.00
Origin: Morocco
SOLD - Large Trilobite Fossil specimen.
Ichthysaur Vertebrae
Ichthysaur Vertebrae
Size: 3 1/4" diameter, 1 3/8" thick each
Price: $125.00 each
Origin: Morocco
Ichthysaur Vertebrae. 3 1/4" diameter, 1 3/8" thick each
La Tierra Mineral Gallery stocks a great selection of fossils. These fossils have come from areas around the globe. They are, of course, one-of-a-kind works of art from Mother Nature.
If you see a piece you want to purchase, please call between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Saturday or 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Sunday (Eastern Time) at (843) 344-0184. We are happy to accept your order by phone.
Or email -- be sure to indicate the full product name, give us your phone number, and tell us the best time to call you.
For a current listing of all fossils, please call, email, or visit our Facebook page here .
We look forward to talking with you. Thank you for your interest in La Tierra Mineral Gallery.